VEBO new book TANDEN
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Book TANDEN KASE HA BUDO KARATE-DO, Velibor Dimitrijevic, English
Book TANDEN KASE HA BUDO KARATE-DO, Velibor Dimitrijevic, English. 25 x 17,5cm. The secrets of the Taiji Kase sensei’s authentic teaching revealed for the first time. In the philosophy of Japanese martial arts based on the doctrine of Budo, Tanden is the name given to a centre in the lower abdomen which is considered the source of Ki energy and the place where all physical, mental and spiritual activities originate. Tanden is the core in the practice of the Kase Ha Budo Karate-Do. In his second book, the author addresses the metaphysical aspects and principles on which the practice of the Kase Ha style is based, in an argumentative and analytical way. The book explains origins of energy centres in the human body with particular reference to the Tanden in the martial arts of Sumo, Kyudo, Kendo, Aikido and of course Kase Ha Budo Karate-Do. It also addresses mind development and control along with the implementation of abdominal, Ibuki breathing which, in synergy with the reactive force from the ground transferred through the dynamic stance, are the main aspects of Kase sensei’s teaching and things to which great attention must be paid. In addition to numerous diagrams that show the functional anatomy in blocking and punching, scientific facts concerning human anatomy, in particular the muscular and nervous system are presented, which clearly show the true relationship between physical and metaphysical aspects of practice. The book is in a hard luxury binding with over 300 pages with over 200 photographs, diagrams, illustrations and kanji ideograms. Note: All books have been hand-signed and stamped by Sensei V. Dimitrijevic.
ГРАДСКА БИБЛИОТЕКА ПАНЧЕВО Четвртак 21.10.2021. у 19:00
Предавање прослављеног такмичара и тренера Вебе Димитријевића у препуном амфитеатру Факултета пропраћено је са пуно пажње студената, тренера и такмичара борилачких вештина. Промовишући своје нове књиге “Казе Ха Карате До” и “Танден”, сенсеи Вебо је на својствен начин презентовао његов карате пут као спортисте али и као врхунског тренера и представника своје школе каратеа.
Уживали смо у представљању традиције самураја, схватању будоа, стања свести и Казе Ха Будо Карате пута.
На свој специфичан, сликовит и стручан начин, сенсеи Вебо је усмерио студенте и тренере ка размишљању које превазилази обично физичко вежбање и спорт. Филозофија и “пут којим се ређе иде” је остао предмет размишљања за будуће генерације.
Била нам је част и задовољство да угостимо врхунског шампиона у жељи да наставимо традицију “учења борилачких спортова”.
University of Sport & Physical Education in Nis, Serbia
A lecture about martial arts and the karate way. 27 December, 2021
The lecture of the celebrated champion and sensei, Vebo Dimitrijevic, in the crowded
University amphitheatre was attended by students, coaches and martial art competitors,
with great enthusiasm.
Sensei Vebo promoted his new books “Kase Ha Karate-Do” and “Tanden” and in his
unique way presented his life journey, as a decorated competitor and renowned coach,
while also presenting his unique karate style.
We enjoyed listening about the samurai tradition, Budo doctrine, different states of
consciences and various aspects of the Kase Ha Budo Karate-Do.
In his pictorial and proficient way, sensei Vebo broadened the horizons of his audience
towards the aspect of practice going beyond the usual physical practice and athleticism.
The philosophy of “a path that is seldom followed” will remain a challenge yet to be
achieved for future generations.
It was our honour and pleasure to host this decorated champion for the lecture, hoping to
continue the tradition of learning martial sports.